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Restorative Justice Shall You Pursue

Shoftim, 16:18-21:9, Deuteronomy

‘righteous judgment’ ‘Justice, only justice shalt thou pursue….’


A modern interpretation for "Women of the Book," a women's interpretive Torah...


I give this living world to you, all living things; that humans may share and will use your vast intelligence to do so. You shall appoint judges and mediators to bring conflicting parties together to Repair damage done, to Reconcile, to Reassure, to Re-integrate and to Re-evaluate. You will live co-operatively; all life will be nurtured. You can do this, for I will be with you. Punishment shall be replaced with a system of Restorative Justice, for this will please me.


Thou shalt face with courage, for I shall be with you, any impediment in the way of making sure every living thing; every human, every animal, every ecosystem, on land, above land, below the waters, lives unmolested; is treated with respect. All efforts, attention and resources shall be utilized to create the conditions under which economic and social justice are available to all, even those outside your tribe, this shall be your first priority, always. Thou shalt have the goal of caring for every child and every creature, not just your own. This is where your safety and security lie.


You can do this, for I will be with you. I will be with you to face the hardships of oppression and the horrors of the affects of irrational behaviors. I will be with you to face the humiliation and sorrow from the hurts that you have caused others. And you will do this, and I will be with you, and lives will be made better. No judgment shall be put upon a child, woman or man for caring deeply for others and for refusing to take a life. Feel your emotions, without judgment from yourself or others, to heal: do not use them as guides for action, do not defend them. You can do this for I will be with you.


Thou shalt not put material things before living beings, all lives are precious; the lives of those outside your tribe are precious. The natural world that I have given you is precious, it sustains you, you must notice, learn and care for it in all its bio-diversity. Co-operation and sharing must supercede greed. Patterns of greed must not go unchecked.


All transgressions or crimes that cause damage to individuals, the community, and the planet shall be addressed by these judges, mediators and members of the community who can take all circumstances into account in order to Repair, to Reconcile, Reassure, Re-integrate and to Re-evaluate with victims and perpetrators.


Make no more excuses for the cutting down of living things to justify insecurities; make no more animal sacrifices, nor human, for that is an abomination in my eyes. War is an abomination; it is a crime against me.


Make no sacrifices of other beings to atone for your transgressions or to fulfill your greed. Make compromises to realize peace, justice and security. Make no more enemy for this makes me angry. I will stay with you to face, to listen and to feel until there is an enemy no more.


May all men’s hearts melt, along with mine and be welcomed fully, as good men in their communities, and none to dominate another again. May all our hearts be open so the cycle of war, domination and injustice, which has terrorized each generation, becomes obsolete.


©Judith Serebrin June 2015



"Women of the Book", A Women's Interpretive Torah

archival reproductions available for $345 (includes shipping)


50 x 70 cm

graphite, watercolor, thread on parchment











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